Beautiful Part Arabians
SINCE 1975
Let Us Introduce Ourselves: the home of beautiful Pinto Arabian Horses!
Whispering Hill Farm, located in Northwestern Pennsylvania, is owned by my husband, Donald, and myself. My lifelong dream of having a place to raise horses was finally realized in 1975 when I convinced my "non-horse-loving" husband that this farm was exactly what he really wanted.
And what a beginning - an old grey, run-down farm house (11 rooms and a path to the outhouse, no electricity - gas lights, and a hand pump in the kitchen) on 80 acres of untrimmed Christmas trees. But for a place to have horses, no obstacle was too great. We moved into the house in April, and our first two Arabians arrived in June. We have bred and raised Arabian horses here ever since.
I have always had a passion for Pinto Part-Arabians and have tried several times to breed for "spots' without much luck - five attempts - five solids. Then in 1992, our luck finally changed. Our Arabian mare, Algwynara, had a beautiful Pinto filly in May. Then in July, we brought home the Pinto National Show Horse stallion, Key Sera Sera. And Key certainly opened a whole new chapter in our lives.
Come on in and pay a visit to Whispering Hill Farm.............
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Reference Sire
Whispering Hill Farm
Donald & Donna Shelatree
1238 Burns Road
Venus, PA 16364 814.354.2541